Summer without Social Media

If there’s ever a time to disconnect – it’s summer time.  The purpose of summer is to slow down, spend time in the sun and catch your mental, physical & emotional breath.  For some, this means connecting with friends, or solo time in nature, or going on that amazing vacation you’ve been looking forward to all year long.

Whatever recharging looks like for you – please honour it.  For the hope is that when September comes around, you will be entering the season with renewed energy.  And renewed energy demands that we disconnect from the habits that drain us, and instead be deliberate in ensuring our free time is allocated to the things that fuel us.

Scrolling on social media rarely fuels us.  Research has clearly indicated this for years.  How can we appropriately fuel ourselves when we are so pre-occupied with keeping tabs on how others are spending their summer?  Not only does the consumption NOT refuel us, it breeds anxiety and depression as we live our lives in constant comparison mode. 

I cannot encourage enough that you give yourself the gift of your own presence, free from comparison.  That you give yourself the gift of disconnecting with the external so that you may genuinely connect with the internal.  That you may be reminded of the people that bring you joy, the hobbies that bring you laughter, the time in nature that brings you peace.

When you are truly present and enjoying your life – there’s no need to post.  You don’t live for the likes – you’re not waiting for the comments.  You don’t have the energy to prioritize the opinions of others because you’re too invested in living your best life.  So, live that best life.  Give this summer your best shot at making the most of every moment – give yourself the gift of a summer without social media.


Amy Deacon